Sunday, 19 December 2010

Vampires: Brain, Drain, Pain!

Let’s get the record straight, I’m not talking about Twilight, nor am I talking about Blade or any of the movies you have seen on the screen. I’m talking about real vampires, psychic vampires or ‘human’ vampires.
Ok, so now I’m sounding a little crazy, but I ask you this. Do you know someone who does any of the following: wastes your time, drains your energy, feeds off your life force in a negative way, pays unhealthy amounts of unwanted attention to you or treats you like a piece of meat?
Well guess what, that’s a human vampire. Unfortunately, they aren’t as easy to dispatch like the ones you know in the movies, they walk in sunlight, wear silver, eat garlic and don’t burst into a cloud of dust if you stake them in heart (not that I recommend trying anyway).
Yeah, they perhaps won’t literally drink you dry, but these particular types of ‘humans’ are still engulfed in a dark aura that will ultimately bring you down.

Here’s some ways of dealing with them. Of course if you have a harassment case on your hands I would recommend a good solicitor and a safe house, this on the other hand is focusing completely on mental health.

Unfortunately I have had to deal with all of the above on countless occasions and I’m sure if you’ve made it through this far, you have too.
The simplest advice is to cut contact, try and ignore any connection they may try and make with you, even if they are literally sitting opposite you.
Think positively and surround yourself with real people, not leeches. If you have experience with these people, you should be able to spot them, but they do come in all shapes and forms. Some are turn coats, the others cunning, some are so obvious you don’t have exchange two words to get their measure, question everyone, in these modern times there’s nothing wrong with being a sceptic.

If possible don’t be distracted by their misdirection, often these kinds of ‘people’ hunt in packs, preying on what they perceive to be the weak and vulnerable or in some cases the ones that have power, why? Because they want it!
Misdirection can mean anything from idle gossip, foes acting as friends, mocking/mimicking/impersonation, physical movement or in the worst case scenario- physical attack. This will as always be accompanied by a series of well thought out lies or dumb pathetic ones.
Again, keeping real friends close can help protect you from this kind of harm (obviously).

What some of the ‘vampires’ don’t realise is whilst they are trying to mentally and physically drain you, they are in effect doing the same to themselves, your reaction feeds them and the more you react the more they feed.
After awhile, lack of reaction means that the drained attacker will retreat and potentially move onto their next victim, however I unfortunately can’t give you a length of time as in some cases if one can’t do it, they recruit other like minded minions to help.

From what information can be gathered these types of humans have had some sort of traumatic background, either they were bullied in adolescent and haven’t let the past go, they have some form of mental condition that they aren’t aware of, they are doing it because their friends are doing it perhaps needing some form of acceptance- usually triggered from past rejection, they are deeply insecure individuals or they are just soulless freaks that need to get a life.
This is why they have to be ignored, because can you really be certain you know which category they fall into?

All you need to know is you have attracted them to you somehow and they are ones that are attached to you, your focus should be to detach from them. If reaction is necessary tread with caution, but focus on the leader, they are soul carrier of this strange disease, diminish the carrier, diminish the problem!


“Ok, so I have red hair. What’s the big deal?”

That sentence, dear readers is one self respecting redheads have been asking themselves since the dawn of time. Yet, like a misunderstood gay or faith filled Christian, we inevitably come across a scenario where we are cast out of average society and placed into isolation and shunned for how we were born.
That last paragraph could be perceived that I was referring the common world as Nazis...E.g. we must all conform and obey; dressed like cattle for the inevitable slaughter.
So, in theory what some people are suggesting is that we ‘gingers’ as it is politically and incorrectly said, should dye our hair either brown or yellow simply to avoid one form of trivial harassment?

After years of static research I have taken it onto myself to ask the question, “Why?”, every time somebody decides to mock me for my red roots. No one has ever given me an answer... Or a real answer anyway. Most of the time I get things like, “because you’re weird,” or simply “I dunno I just don’t like it.” Half of it I write up as bullshit and leave it at that.

Napoleon, Richard the Lionheart, Elizabeth 1st, Thomas Jefferson, Venus (Roman Goddess of Love), The Wright Brothers and Christopher Columbus. Any of these mean anything to you? Well guess what, they were all firey redheads. Warriors, Gods, geniuses and infamous leaders; awesome to say the least. That and European red heads are known to be descendent from Celts...need I say more?!

I’m not surprised that we red heads have been feared for well over a millennia and to this day are still seen as mysterious and a little odd. Of course back in the day we would have also been buried or burnt alive for having hell fire hair and relations with the devil. Records have even shown that some cultures even believed red hair was unlucky and would kill persons who bared its mark, to ward off the bad luck. Extreme? Well standards haven’t improved much today, even though we are now in 2010. Super intelligent human race? My arse!
I suppose, the people that brutally murdered those poor misunderstood creatures had good reasons for their torture and killing, they were smart enough to deduce that red heads could very well take over the world (See above to be reminded why).
Perhaps subconsciously, generation after generation who do not wish to be led by the red revolution, have allowed themselves to keep the hatred of their ancestors from many years ago?
Or perhaps, it’s because nobody wants to blend into the background and you are getting sick of us ginger mother fuckers stealing the lime light?

Either way, in order to move out of the caveman mind set, you must understand that everyone is different and special in their own way. Redheads even more so ;-)

Tuesday, 12 October 2010

The Reboundmentship

After a break up, one can feel a lot of things: release, freedom, independence, cynical, emotional and ultimately have a sense of loneliness and misplacement. This depends entirely on the lost relationship, how long it lasted, how it ended and entirely on what kind of person you are.

Within the first month, most people feel lost, especially if you’ve just got out of a particularly long relationship. More often than not your ‘friends’ will begin to start telling you the truth about your ex and a feeling of sadness can begin to surface, you may even begin to feel like a complete idiot; again for numerous reasons.

Sometime later you may find your friends and family aren’t filling the void and the comfort and safety you felt in your past relationship is ultimately gone, you then will have a sense of realism; you’re on your own now!

Occasionally (possibly after a few drinks) you may experience a sense of empowerment, this can be triggered from special attention from the attractive and witty, compliments or success in other forms, however like every single person you will undoubtedly have droughts of loneliness, insatiable loneliness that often feels like it is consuming you.
The loneliness will eventually be then worsened by the irritating ‘itch’ that has come about from you recent rift into unwilled celibacy. This then not only affects your head, but your heart.

It is a bold truth that at some point in every person’s life they realise that they cannot walk the lonely thread of life without a companion, it is perhaps to great a ‘burden’ to bare on their own.

Perhaps, one night you have had a few more vodka cokes than usual and one particular person is offering you their utmost affectionate and caring attention.
Not perhaps a complete stranger, but this has been known to happen. The evening continues and you seem to have a great deal in common. Then, before your know it your back at their place and heaven has opened!

The next day, you have a hangover, you’re in shock and perhaps even a little confused (depending on the alcohol consumption), you believe you have just encountered your first one night stand, either for the first time or the first time after your last relationship has ended.

Ok, so it’s a mistake, job done, never talk about it again and if you see them out and about- play it cool!
But hang on...what’s this? They want to see you again? And you’ve said yes!
Enter the reboundmentship! And oh what heavy territory you have just entered.

A reboundmentship is fine, if anything you can call it an interesting time in your life, but please take the concept of ‘interesting’ very loosely.
Something’s you must understand about a reboundmentship:

•You haven’t gotten over your ex
•You are only doing this because you can neither bare nor handle loneliness anymore
•You are very likely to fall for him/her
•You are very likely to get hurt
•This is not officially a couple relationship, nor is it a FB situation (well from your point of view anyway).

So your options are quite simple, play the ice king/queen card and carry on and try not to arouse any feelings, especially if you’re a girl (although apparently that scientifically impossible) or break it off and try and stay friends.
Simple right? Right?...WRONG! Add other people to the fold, family members, nosey bystanders and concerned friends and you ultimately have pandemonium. But hey, when did I ever say life was easy, I said it was interesting.

Tuesday, 7 September 2010

Star Crossed Lover Syndrome

(The wonderful delights of the 16 and unders)

It seems that when most teenagers hit the ‘tender’ age of sixteen, they are so desperate to find love that they cannot wait to declare it the second they are in a relationship.
Whether they are aware of what love really is or not, they cannot wait to share their glory on Facebook.
Of course, anyone under the age of 16 declaring the same should (quite bluntly) just be ignored and if said words will leave their lips it should just be considered a consequence of their hormones (Whore moans).

I blame the media, film industry and Shakespeare for this. Every time you turn on the TV there’s some sap declaring his love for some dim witted school girl and then they live happily ever after. Just a quick tip- this never EVER happens, only in super special cases!
Oh, and did you ever notice that at some point during your teens you will undoubtedly have a brief relationship with Shakespeare? And did you ever notice, that more often than not, the play in which you have this relationship with is Romeo and Juliet?
Two lusted up twits from fair Verona, Romeo a boy of 18 and Juliet a child of 13. Who amazing fall in love, get married and die in only four days! Shakespeare is like subliminal messaging to teens; they don’t understand it, but their being brainwashed.

On that note, have you noticed the films of today have adopted the same romanticised formula of Shakespeare’s original? To name a few: Westside Story, Ghost, The Notebook, Brokeback Mountain... and if you think that’s all sissy girly stuff. Take a closer look at the film Underworld, its vampires and werewolves with Romeo and Juliet.

Now, to all those that might be 16 or under and getting slightly offended, because they really really do love their boyfriend/girlfriend of 2 whole weeks, Romeo and Juliet is fiction, movies are fiction and most likely your feelings...wait for it...are fiction!
And to all those parents who have/had a teenager declaring the same thing and have tried to make them see sense, do/did you ever hear those righteous words, “You don’t understand” followed by a storming out of the room and a very loud and abrupt slamming of the door?
Aw, the blessed signs of star-crossed lover’s syndrome!

Two weeks (or so) later the relationship has ended and as expected they are undoubtedly heartbroken and claim they will never love again, this lasts until the next one comes along; which on a rough estimate is about one week to a month and then the cycle begins...again!

If anyone is indeed offended by what I have written, please know that I don’t really give a damn; teenagers weren’t built to handle the truth. That’s what your twenties are for; and even then people still struggle between fact and fiction. This is quite simply an understanding, backed up by experience.

Monday, 26 July 2010

Rites of Passage: Over Qualified and Under Appreciated

Two years ago I lay back and breathed a sigh of relief, the part time level 2 Journalism course I was going to take was out the window and I was signing up for a Journalism degree; three weeks before the beginning of term.
I made this spontaneous decision simply on one ground; I was told I was over qualified. This sent messages spiralling through my mind; “Overqualified? I will never have a problem getting a job again!”, “Wow, maybe I’m not so stupid after all” and “With a degree I’m sure to have a amazing career.”
Well guess what, I was so WRONG! And everything I thought was true at the time was/is probably the opposite.

To be blunt, some people are threatened by the fact that I’m doing a degree, often they will act like smart arses to try and get one up on me, what they fail to realise is, I’m an ordinary person that’s only brilliant in one area; and even that’s a bold statement!
People also go onto me about the amount of debt I will be in after my final year. But maxing out your credit card on the latest fade clothing or Lady Gaga gig tickets is ok?! I prefer to see a degree as an investment, a potential flop investment yes, but that’s the price of professionalism.

For seven months since Christmas I have been unemployed and looking for work, imminently qualified and experienced (thank you very much), I have struggled like crazy to find a job. Employers have been put off by the fact that I finish in a year, assuming that the second I finish my degree I will be whisked off into the wonderful world of Journalism, making thrice what they earn and only come back to visit so I can rub it in their sad uneducated face.
What they forget is, there’s still a recession and journalism jobs are about as common to me as a major shopping spree in Camden.
I know this because the second a took BA Journalism off my CV the interviews poured in and in two days (YES TWO) I got a job as a bartender/waitress/cleaner at the local pub.

It also might interest you to know that the government doesn’t look after the future...
During Summer breaks we get absolutely no funding except for one lousy bursary of £250, which they don’t even bother giving you a date of payment for.
Worst still, we can’t go on Job Seekers Allowance, can’t get housing benefits after the age of 20, we have to pay for our prescriptions and dentist bills and even then I don’t get the nice shiny white fillings... Oh no, it’s standard mercury black for us!
So you are left with a few choices, you can:

A: Save your grant/loans/bursaries like wild fire all year preparing yourself for the big budget blow of the Summer.

B: Get an overdraft

C: Turn to a life of crime

Or D: Get that New Look store card you’ve always wanted with the 29.9% interest rate (YAY)

Or failing that you could not mention your on degree at all and instead pretend that you’re a chain smoking dole dosser with no life. Employers prefer people that are dumber than they are, so get that blonde peroxide out, pull your socks over your trousers and be prepared to put the English language to shame. You have a fun three years ahead of you 

Tuesday, 13 July 2010

Break up Blues: What do you do?

Every break up is different...well duh! But let’s be honest, none are easy. There’s the awkwardness, the upset, the explanations, the heart break, the rom/coms, the endless mind numbing talks to friends, the eating all the chocolate and ice cream in the house, get the idea!
Having ended my long term relationship of four years, all I could really say was “wow I feel so weird.” Now three months down the line and free from the clutches of the ex fiancĂ© I can honestly say if anything I am free, over it and ready to move on and this is how!

Firstly, DON’T listen to OUR song, just remind yourself that it sucks anyway and instead power up with some female/male independence songs or some great dance tracks, good for mood enhancements and definite righteous empowerment.

DON’T raid the fridge, who in their right mind will feel good about themselves if they’ve upped two dress sizes? But don’t do what I did and fast/starve yourself because you’re trying to lose the weight you put on during your relationship.
Gentle exercise regularly is the best way, as again that has a lot of positive mood enhancements. Self defence classes are always good as you can take your pent up aggression out on the punch bag; instead of your ex. If you take it out on your ex, he/she may still think you have feelings, remember hate is a step away from love!

Spending time with friends and making new ones is an excellent way of sorting yourself out, but don’t bitch about him/her as that’s hardly staying positive and off topic.
Instead, try and experience new things and keep yourself busy, fun is the best medicine for a break up.

It’s not productive to meet with your ex, especially at first as you may spark up old feelings and forget all the reasons you broke up. But sometimes these things can’t be avoided, I work with my ex so I take a professional approach; it’s all business baby and you need to treat it like that!

Next...Take some time to date and not relate. This doesn’t mean sleeping with the next thing you see. Again it’s about enjoying yourself; learning to be completely independent again and not throwing yourself head first into another deep and meaningful (REBOUND) relationship- reboundmentship!

Retail therapy is great as it promotes change and the new free you, but don’t max out your credit card as debt equals slavery and that defeats the object.
But once you’ve lost the relationship weight, that Jane Norman maxi/fit dress doesn’t half look the business. Not to mention the blue string bikini that you’ve had hiding in your drawer for the past three years!

Most importantly, don’t consume yourself with thoughts of your ex and keep busy with projects, friends and hobbies, now and again remember to remind yourself why you broke up, so you don’t make the mistake of falling back into the trap.

Sunday, 25 April 2010

College Life

For five long years I have drifted through the matrix that is Peterborough Regional College, during that time I have learnt many things, how to survive it was the greatest lesson!
I don’t know whether it s the same ugly corridors, the same ugly food or the same ugly faces that make this place so interesting or the fact that behind every door and in every class room there’s a story bursting to be told, a view desperately waiting to be uttered or a hair dresser primping in the mirror!
I don’t mean to be crude by saying, “the same ugly faces”; it is a known fact that PRC is probably the most cosmopolitan building in Peterborough. Like the actors for example, if you’re up for a laugh, talk to one of them! If the mindless chatter and multiple characteristics aren’t enough, you’ll also learn a ton about Shakespeare and how to chain smoke flamboyantly before performances.
For beauty tips cast your eyes on the army of black and white suited angels, giggling in unison and bitching on demand.

Art students are harder to spot as rarely will they carry an easel under their arm, simply just for your gratification, yet as the KFC advert states, they are instantly recognisable by their matted fur, not to mention their peculiar hibernation patterns.

It’s also quite easy to tell the difference between a GCSE first diploma freshmen to a super charged hyper eccentric degree student. The first diplomas, formally known as “first dips” are the annoying little newbie’s that run around Palm Court common room screaming at the top of their lungs, until an extremely angry degree student or ( Oldie) silences them with a book to the face. I guess you could say college is a bit of a jungle, you have your kings and queens, your monkeys and your sheep; and a few poisonous snakes thrown in for ‘good’ measure.

Everyone seems to describe being a student, as being scruffy and poor- this stereotype is true. However thanks to the government we now have EMA (Educational Maintenance Allowance), where depending on your family’s income you can receive up to £30 a week for good attendance. This also gives the student the ability to concentrate on their studies instead of worrying about getting a part time job. This is an excellent idea – from an adult’s point of view! What really happens is: the student will turn up to class simply for the money, not contribute and still get EMA, then instead of spending the money on books or study materials they go down to the local shop and purchase some Vodkat and L&B, spending their free periods in town park getting razzed. This is very much like being a dole dosser; of course no one wants to put a student into the same manifestation.

There have always been and still are the super nerdy students that will sit in the common room (not socialising), burying their head into a book and pretending that this is more interesting then the arm wrestling match going on two tables away.
I am proud to say that I do not fit into either category, having spent most of my college life involved in all the above I now place myself in “The Observer” category. This is what you become when you’ve been somewhere for far too long.