Tuesday, 13 July 2010

Break up Blues: What do you do?

Every break up is different...well duh! But let’s be honest, none are easy. There’s the awkwardness, the upset, the explanations, the heart break, the rom/coms, the endless mind numbing talks to friends, the eating all the chocolate and ice cream in the house, the...you get the idea!
Having ended my long term relationship of four years, all I could really say was “wow I feel so weird.” Now three months down the line and free from the clutches of the ex fiancé I can honestly say if anything I am free, over it and ready to move on and this is how!

Firstly, DON’T listen to OUR song, just remind yourself that it sucks anyway and instead power up with some female/male independence songs or some great dance tracks, good for mood enhancements and definite righteous empowerment.

DON’T raid the fridge, who in their right mind will feel good about themselves if they’ve upped two dress sizes? But don’t do what I did and fast/starve yourself because you’re trying to lose the weight you put on during your relationship.
Gentle exercise regularly is the best way, as again that has a lot of positive mood enhancements. Self defence classes are always good as you can take your pent up aggression out on the punch bag; instead of your ex. If you take it out on your ex, he/she may still think you have feelings, remember hate is a step away from love!

Spending time with friends and making new ones is an excellent way of sorting yourself out, but don’t bitch about him/her as that’s hardly staying positive and off topic.
Instead, try and experience new things and keep yourself busy, fun is the best medicine for a break up.

It’s not productive to meet with your ex, especially at first as you may spark up old feelings and forget all the reasons you broke up. But sometimes these things can’t be avoided, I work with my ex so I take a professional approach; it’s all business baby and you need to treat it like that!

Next...Take some time to date and not relate. This doesn’t mean sleeping with the next thing you see. Again it’s about enjoying yourself; learning to be completely independent again and not throwing yourself head first into another deep and meaningful (REBOUND) relationship- reboundmentship!

Retail therapy is great as it promotes change and the new free you, but don’t max out your credit card as debt equals slavery and that defeats the object.
But once you’ve lost the relationship weight, that Jane Norman maxi/fit dress doesn’t half look the business. Not to mention the blue string bikini that you’ve had hiding in your drawer for the past three years!

Most importantly, don’t consume yourself with thoughts of your ex and keep busy with projects, friends and hobbies, now and again remember to remind yourself why you broke up, so you don’t make the mistake of falling back into the trap.

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