(The wonderful delights of the 16 and unders)
It seems that when most teenagers hit the ‘tender’ age of sixteen, they are so desperate to find love that they cannot wait to declare it the second they are in a relationship.
Whether they are aware of what love really is or not, they cannot wait to share their glory on Facebook.
Of course, anyone under the age of 16 declaring the same should (quite bluntly) just be ignored and if said words will leave their lips it should just be considered a consequence of their hormones (Whore moans).
I blame the media, film industry and Shakespeare for this. Every time you turn on the TV there’s some sap declaring his love for some dim witted school girl and then they live happily ever after. Just a quick tip- this never EVER happens, only in super special cases!
Oh, and did you ever notice that at some point during your teens you will undoubtedly have a brief relationship with Shakespeare? And did you ever notice, that more often than not, the play in which you have this relationship with is Romeo and Juliet?
Two lusted up twits from fair Verona, Romeo a boy of 18 and Juliet a child of 13. Who amazing fall in love, get married and die in only four days! Shakespeare is like subliminal messaging to teens; they don’t understand it, but their being brainwashed.
On that note, have you noticed the films of today have adopted the same romanticised formula of Shakespeare’s original? To name a few: Westside Story, Ghost, The Notebook, Brokeback Mountain... and if you think that’s all sissy girly stuff. Take a closer look at the film Underworld, its vampires and werewolves with Romeo and Juliet.
Now, to all those that might be 16 or under and getting slightly offended, because they really really do love their boyfriend/girlfriend of 2 whole weeks, Romeo and Juliet is fiction, movies are fiction and most likely your feelings...wait for it...are fiction!
And to all those parents who have/had a teenager declaring the same thing and have tried to make them see sense, do/did you ever hear those righteous words, “You don’t understand” followed by a storming out of the room and a very loud and abrupt slamming of the door?
Aw, the blessed signs of star-crossed lover’s syndrome!
Two weeks (or so) later the relationship has ended and as expected they are undoubtedly heartbroken and claim they will never love again, this lasts until the next one comes along; which on a rough estimate is about one week to a month and then the cycle begins...again!
If anyone is indeed offended by what I have written, please know that I don’t really give a damn; teenagers weren’t built to handle the truth. That’s what your twenties are for; and even then people still struggle between fact and fiction. This is quite simply an understanding, backed up by experience.