Saturday, 16 April 2011

Online Dating: Shite or Sugar?

(Forrest Gump 1994) “Life is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you’re gonna get.”
The same can be said for online dating, the dangerous online domain of peedos, perverts, freaks, desperate singles and perhaps good honest people looking for a companion?

Initially, joining was an experiment, purely as a project for producing some good writing material, having a laugh and giggle...and if I’m really honest... an ego boost.
Amongst the reams of single men, looking for a relationship or a quickie, I decided it would be best to see who contacted me, instead of contacting others. Consequently upon signing up, within one hour 36 attractive and butt ugly men e-mailed me; at least the ego boost box was ticked.
Naturally I find people who are creative or funny are always ones to continue a good conversation with, so out of the 36 (which rapidly kept increasing after the days passed); I stuck to speaking with a few bachelors in their 20s.
As time persisted I began to question my decision on signing up. With the Blackberry flashing new e-mails all day everyday and more and more older married men asking if I fancied meeting up for a drink, I began to wonder what sort of sick twisted world we lived in.
More questions began to form like: Is their display picture a copy and paste from Google Images? Is he really a web developer for Virgin Media or a ginger munching cannibal? Is this one of my friends/enemies pulling some sick joke?

Paranoia firmly intact, there was no chance in hell I was going to meet up with any of these men, before I was 100% sure that they wouldn’t slip a pill into my drink while I was rummaging through my handbag or the 82 year old man in Starbucks wouldn’t announce he was my date for the evening.
After a week on the site I started chatting with a very nice, funny bloke from Peterborough, 21, good looking and very interested. Gradually, after a few days my trust grew and I decided to give in my mobile.
The next day (Mon) a received a text from *Adrian* asking me: How I was, what I was up to and whether I fancied meeting him for dinner on Friday? I agreed.
Within that week, I was bombarded with texts, phone calls and the latter; all day and night!
By Friday I was seriously considering not going out on this date, when...He text me telling me he was going to be late...minutes later texting again asking if I could meet him somewhere else other than the restaurant...soon again, telling me that we would be meeting at the bowling alley in Bretton near his house.
Now, I’m not the type to start labelling people, but this guy was really starting to sound a little bit insane! After declining and nicely suggesting that we met somewhere more public. He freaked out and began accusing me of calling him a child for suggesting the bowling alley. Unfortunately for him I’m not a very calm person for long, so I bluntly told him that I thought he could be a rapist and to f*** off... or so I thought.
After meeting some friends later to tell them about the entire ordeal and show them the texts, I realised I called him a racist by mistake!
So, if you ever find yourself about to embark on a date with a total stranger that seems like a complete and utter psycho, call them a racist and you will ultimately get yourself off the hook.

In the four weeks that I remained on this site, there wasn’t really anyone else that psychotic to report on other than a few losers aiming way out of their league and what can be perceived as few decent men looking for love.
Understanding now that I’ve probably scared you away from the online dating trend for life I will close with one positive.
It’s an excellent way of finding out that the hot guy you met in December is single and looking, or at least... he was ;-)